Thursday, March 20, 2014

Christmas in London, Cambridge, Oxford,Windsor Castle, Stonehenge and Bath from 22 to 30 December 2013

Christmas in London may be romantic, those Christmas decorations, sparkling lights will enhance your feelings. From the information of London tourist web site, we knew that all subways,trains and buses would stop on Christmas day(25 Dec) and the public transport will resume on Boxing day(26 Dec). However, we noticed that no public transportation on Christmas day and some of the subways stations(small ones) and train service was also closed on Boxing day till new year eve. Some of the stations would not open because of maintenance work. Almost all restaurants closed on Christmas day. It is not the best time to visit London in Christmas holidays.

Day 1 22nd December
After about 13 hours flight , we arrived London Heathrow airport. As our hotel was near train station,we get on the Tube and then changed to the train. We bought a 1 day zone 6 travel card and 7 days zone 1-2 travel card(oyster card). When we alighted from the train, we noticed that there was no lift or escalator to exit gates. Imagined that we carried luggage and we had to walked down the staircases.

Because of jet lag, we went to bed early.

Day 2 23rd December Heavy Rainy and cool
Greenwich, Burberry and Aquascutum Outlets

Took the Tube Jubilee line to North Greenwich. Its in East London.Greenwich is the home of time. Every place of earth is measured from here. 

After a light lunch in Greenwich we went to Burberry and Aquascutum outlets. From North Greenwich took the North bound Jubilee line to Stratford then changed to Overground to Hackney Central. The Burberry factory outlet store is located in Hackney near the Hackney Central station (7 minutes walk).Opposite to it is the Aquascutum outlet. We spent a whole evenings in these outlets as heavy rain never stop.

Day 3 24th December Light rain and cloudy 
Buckingham Palace, Queen's Gallery, Change of Guards, Big Ben, House of Parliament and London Eye.

Guard rehearsal at the Guard House before going to Buckingham Palace
At 11 am , the guards marching to the Buckingham Palace for Changing Guard ceremony. As we were watching the guard rehearsal  at the Guard House, we missed the the actual changing guard at Buckingham Palace. There were crowds of people surrounding the Palace and you could not see the whole view of the changing guard. If you want to see the changing guard, be early as 10:30 am at the Palace.

Guards marching to the Buckingham Palace
We enjoyed a local dish of fish and chips at the restaurant right across the Big Ben. After lunch, we walked along the bridge and took pictures of the Big Ben, London Eyes, Parliament House. We went to the London Eyes and after about 45 minutes queue, we were very excited to enter the view deck of London Eyes.

Big Ben
London Eyes
London Eyes at Night
View from Top of London Eyes
After about an hour in the London Eyes we went to have dinner and bought some food for 25th.

Day 4 25th December Sunny and cold
On Christmas day, all restaurants were closed except a nearby MacDonald  was opened. We ate lunch there. As all buses, tube and train were not running on this day we walked around by the Thames river. 

No bus, empty street on Christmas Day

Day 5 26th December  Oxford Sunny and Cold
We had booked Oxford Tube bus via internet weeks ago with special price. 

Get on the bus at Buckingham Palace Road
It took about 1 hour and 40 minutes to Oxford.

College in Oxford
to be continued...........

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